Friday, January 7, 2011

Special Post #43: Top 40 Moments of 2010–Part 5

Welcome back to the finale of 2010’s top 40 moments! Today it’s time for the big guns! So without further ado, lets a-go-go!

#10 Sat 20 Feb: Becky's and Steelers match from box

Cast your minds back to February. I was in a tizz about my course not being what I wanted it be, annoyed about the amount of work on the horizon and trying to juggle MADTV with my social life. Consider all of that on top of worrying about placement and housing and your getting close to how much of a boiling pot I was becoming. A weekend with my sister was the quantum solace, and the Steelers match (from a private box) was the icing on the cake. Life has it’s moments :P


#9: Tue 20 Apr: Russell Howard Filming

Off to London to see Russell Howard’s Good News being filmed. I love days out in London, Covent Garden, Oxford Street and chemistry banter. Then off to see Russell Howard, who was hilarious as always :P I miss the chemists :(


#8: Sat 16 Oct: Thorpe Park Fright Nights!

Oh my GOD! I would say this was the best day ever if it didn’t make a mockery of this list! But seriously, I have never been so scared in all my life! Heather, Lauren, Anne, Viv and Luke joking about everything and… I’m lost for words. This is an annual event for a reason (it was #17 last year)!


#7: Sun 20 Jun: Bouncy Castle BBQ

Emily had an idea. Chemists + Bouncy Castle + BBQ + Sun + End of university = Preposterous amounts of fun!


#6: Tue 27 Apr: The King Blues

The best band ever. Live at Shepherds Bush. One night only. New songs. With some Emily banter thrown in on the side. My days I loved this day!


#5: Wed 03 Mar: That Day At Sony

Back again for the second interview :D You know that scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when Charlie steps inside Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory and see’s all the sweets? Well it was exactly like that.

The only footage from inside Sony’s secret technological lair of pure imagination.

#4: Mon 13 Sep: Amsterdam & Party In Guildford

Oh look I’m 21! That can only mean one thing… time to go to Amsterdam! This was a day of two halves if I ever saw one. But what an amazing two halves they were! First, wake up at 3am and get your dad to drive you to Gatwick Airport. Then fly to Amsterdam and get the bus to the International Broadcasting Convention. Spend the day looking at crazy tech and cool gadgets. Then fly back to Gatwick and get the train to Guildford where your housemates and friends welcome you back with cake! Take several shots then head out into town. Visit several bars before going to Dusk night club where you dance the night away. Finally stumble back home with Will via Tesco to get bacon for breakfast. They say to make your 21st a birthday to remember, well I think that’ll do! Or will it……

#3: Sun 28 Nov: 2nd Day off in Switzerland

There’s not a doubt in my mind that if you’d have told me this time last year that I’d be working for Sony on a project in Switzerland I would not have been standing for very long before I got really dizzy and fell over. But here it is! And the proof was in the pudding:

#2: Fri 19 Jun: Lake Party

Can you feel the tension! Just one moment to go. Every year the last night of term sparks a massive party down at the lake on campus. Read my low-down of the day from back in June, it’s very accurate. I think this day was only made better by the following day, which read:

“After the events of the lake party, I woke up after a measly 4 hours sleep, which had been interrupted by 2 phone calls and a text message. Headache and memory loss played a part before taking to Will about what happened. We agreed to arrange a meet up with a few friends and go to Wagamama’s. A dozen text messages later and my stomach was more than ready for food. It was a great meal, good to see people again and just relax for the first time in weeks without having to worry about exams and revision.

After that, we headed back to our house for a spot of Monopoly and Strudel. Not the first time a night has ended this way, and I hope it isn’t the last. I just need to get better at monopoly…”

There’s nothing like 11 shots of Goldschlager to make a good night! The bottle now has pride of place on my mantle place, a constant reminder of a crazy night, and day!


#1: Sat 18 Sep: 21ST PARTY!

Predictable? Maybe. True? Hells-to-the-yea! Get all of your best friends in your house. Add your brother and cousin. Add chocolate, alcohol, banter, jokes, music, reunions and a giant cookie; and you have yourself the best 21st birthday you can ever imagine. Oh yea, and did I mention… I was Prince Charles.


We only had one 2010, I used it! And 2011 will be 100x better. Mark my words :) Love you all. Peace out.

PS Tomorrow is my best moment for December, and it’s not one on this list! But it should be!

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