Monday, September 22, 2008

The BIG Day

Got up at 8:45am, after getting myself organised and packing a few last things (coat) I went to church.
Church was great! The sermon was about learning to let go and go for something, very approapriate. There was also a notice for me and I got given two st mary's mugs.
After church, and saying my goodbyes, we returned home to pack the car. After much thought and careful planning, the car was full and ready to go.
At 2pm we arrived at Uni. By this point I was feeling a bit sick, but we still managed to unload the car into a big tent. We then walked to reception and I got my keys, ect.
Then we moved all my things (21 boxes in total) into my new home. Met a few of my new room-mates (more on those another time) and got unpacking. The unpacking process was very emotional for me, it was the moment when everything dawned on me and I was very overwhelmed for about 20 minutes. Eventually, we got the room into a liveable state with most things unpacked.
Goodbyes. Now this was alot more difficult than I thought is was going to be. I won't go into specifics because I think you can all figure out what that means.
Parents finally left me outside my faculty building where I went to meet people on my course. Still feeling uneasy. I met two other people and we hung out for about an hour talking. I started to feel a bit better. We then went for a walk around, to the shop on campus and then the kitchen of one of my new friends. We stayed there, talking for another hour. Finally went back to my room about 6:30 and properly met with my room-mates.
At 7:15 we had a briefing about living in halls, fire safety and the Student's Union. When that finished at about 8pm we went back to our room.
By this point I felt comfortable nough to force-feed myself a pot noodle. At 9:45pm I went out, with a load of girls in my house and another house nearby, to Rubix, the Student's Union nightclub. Because I still wasn't feeling 100% I didn't hae anything to drink. It was a good night talking and dancing.
Getting back to my room about 1am and went straight to bed. The nights sleep was awful, I kept waking up and feeling queasy.
Got up this morning at 8am, force-fed myself some cereal and orange juice. I now have a full day planned, staring with a welcome talk at 9:30am. Maths test this afternoon that I need to be awake for and then another meet and greet in the evening.
Hope I survive. I am really enjoying myself, but my stomach seems pretty intent on spoiling the party. If I was a betting man I would say is was home-sickness, but whatever it is, it better not outstay its welcome.
A short video of yesterday's events to follow soon.

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