Sunday, February 28, 2010

February: The Best Moment

Another month has been and gone. February got off to a rocky start with a very drunken night in Rubix. A week later I found myself with Anne and Josh for a valentines meal out. That was a great night, and, as last month’s best moment shows, nights spent with Anne and Josh rate highly.

But neither of those moments made it to number one. Why? Because something very special happened this month… I got to see my sister!

My favourite moment of February is definitely Saturday 20th February – Sheffield Steelers Ice Hockey from a VIP box with my sister, Barry, Alan, Alastair and Jordan! Life doesn’t get much better than that. Alan is a star for organising it, and the game was an incredible 6-5 lose. Would’ve been even better if we’d have won, but still brilliantly close with plenty of action to the last second.


Looking on to March, Beth is coming over next weekend, then the end of the month is the BOAT TRIP! If I was a betting man, I’d put money on the boat trip being the bees knees of March! CAN NOT WAIT!

  • Happiness. 7 out of 10
  • Tiredness. 2 out of 5
  • Workload. 8 out of 10
  • Last Meal. Tuna pasta, the greatest pasta medley on earth!
  • Song of the day. Plain White T's - Hate (I Really Don't Like You)
  • Thought for the day. “He didn’t have any hair!” lol
  • What I’m Doing Now. Wanting to sleep, but very aware he may find out the result of the SONY interview tomorrow :D

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Poems & Lyrics

Friday didn’t turn into the productive day it could’ve been, but it did give me a much needed day off…

I spent the morning writing another poem. I like to write poetry when I can, and I can seem to write it at the moment. Sometimes my head is just in that frame of mind. I’ve written 9 poems in the last year, not because I wanted to write a poem, but because I could. Maybe one day I’ll share a few of them on this blog, although I have shared a couple before: New Sunrise and Leaving.

This evening Josh and I went to The Stoke pub for a live music night. It was really great and I recommend everyone into acoustic hip-hop should definitely check out Free Peace, very original!

  • Happiness. 8 out of 10
  • Tiredness. 4 out of 5
  • Workload. 8 out of 10
  • Last Meal. 2 for 1 pizza at The Stoke (BBQ Chicken :D)
  • Song of the day. Journey – Don't Stop Believing
  • Thought for the day. “I feel literally molested”
  • What I’m Doing Now. Getting a lie in tomorrow :P

Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Dawn

Morning folks!

This week has been really good fun. Labs on Tuesday and the SONY interview on Wednesday have really made this week enjoyable.

Yesterday MAD TV broadcast the union AGM live across the internet. It was a great collaboration between the union, Stage Crew and MAD TV that all came to together with unbelievable ease thanks to the help of Tolley. We had a peak of 50 people watching the online stream, which is really encouraging considering the lack of advertising it had. I can’t wait to do something like that again on a bigger scale. Can’t think what event we’d want to do it for, but I’ll be waiting…

If you’re interested you can watch the whole AGM on demand at

  • Happiness. 8 out of 10
  • Tiredness. 1.5 out of 5
  • Workload. 7.5 out of 10
  • Last Meal. Chicken poppets and a fajita courtesy of Will :)
  • Song of the day. John Mayer – Say
  • Thought for the day. The future’s only a second away
  • What I’m Doing Now. Heading on to campus for another productive work day before relaxing at The Stoke for a live band and 2 for 1 pizzas tonight :D

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Poems I Can’t Write

The Sony interview today went really well. They showed my around the production floor where they make the vehicles and then I had a really great interview, in total lasted about hour and a half.

I’ll find out on Monday if I have the job, I want to be confident, I certainly did the best I could, but only Monday will tell…

As for the rest of the week. Yesterday I found out the wireless card in my computer is broken, so I need to buy a new one of those soon so I can connect to the internet on my desktop. For now it’s all about my laptop. I find it funny that a powerful computer can suddenly become useless without internet access……

I cooked Josh an amazing pasta bake yesterday with the frozen sausages left over from the new years party (they lasted me that long!). It was incredible, even if I do say so myself. And it turned out enough for tonight's dinner too! Bonus points! We had strudel for dessert since I have rediscovered the wonders of strudel recently :D

Yesterday was also lab day, and the project is going really well I feel. Josh and I spent the morning wheeling Tesco trolleys down corridors to get smooth footage for our video. We then spent the afternoon in the studio and I managed to learn a hell of a lot about patching the feeds and recording and lighting. I really feel like that was a good learning curve.

Tomorrow is the union AGM, which I am filming for both the Student’s Union and MAD TV, so 2 in 1 bonus there!

As for the weekend, looks like I’m going to need that free time to catch up on my life. I need to fix my bike and computer, then do MAD TV editing and general course work. Set to be a good weekend…

  • Happiness. 8 out of 10
  • Tiredness. 3.5 out of 5
  • Workload. 8 out of 10
  • Last Meal. Leftover pasta bake win!
  • Song of the day. Colbie Caillat - Bubbly
  • Thought for the day. The future is 3D HD OB’s!
  • What I’m Doing Now. Feeling exhausted after a very packed tow days, and knowing that Thursday is going to be just as busy… bring on Friday off :D

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gone Fishing…

Typical Mondays…

I did some preparation today for my interview on Wednesday, which got me less confident about getting the job. Either way, I know I am capable of getting it, it’s just how that compares to the other candidates that I’m not so sure about.

I also had my Computer Graphics Module. More really interesting stuff, but lots to get my head around. Which tends to be the story all round at the moment.

Then stage crew in the evening was my weekly reminder that I really don’t have time for crewing at the moment. That hasn’t stopped me getting involved with all the video I can, which this week entails filming and webcasting the union AGM on Thursday.

Then on into the night Josh cooked a great casserole thing which continues our new trend of cooking together when we can. Then we had a very funny trip to Tesco which included a girl being buried in crisps by her mates :D

Today was a busy day, and was one of those “1 step forward, 2 steps back” kind of days. Still, the weekend holds lots of promises to get things done…

  • Happiness. 8 out of 10
  • Tiredness. 4 out of 5
  • Workload. 8.1 out of 10
  • Last Meal. Josh Casserole Surprise!
  • Song of the day. Katrina & the Waves – Walking on Sunshine
  • Thought for the day. Test the water, and if it’s warm, put on your sexiest swim suit and go paddling!
  • What I’m Doing Now. Failing to install Windows 7 on my PC :(

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mr Blue Sky

I had a great weekend with my sister (pictures here) and really enjoyed catching up with my parents today during the car journey home. This week should be a good’un since Josh and I start our Lab project together. I also have my Sony interview on Wednesday that I’m really looking forward to! Then looking at my calendar I have an empty weekend to fill, which is a great position to be in because I hear my cousin may be paying a visit :o)

  • Happiness. 8 out of 10
  • Tiredness. 3 out of 5
  • Workload. 8 out of 10
  • Last Meal. Re-heated chicken korma! yummeh!
  • Song of the day. Electric Light Orchestra – Mr Blue Sky
  • Thought for the day. The sun doesn’t shine everyday, so on those days… shine brighter :)
  • What I’m Doing Now. Watching The Virtual Revolution

PS Alastair’s Eyebrows :P

Another New Me

So I feel my last post left out some important details about the last few weeks and how I’ve changed my thoughts…

Year 2 semester 2 has, yet again, shown me a new side to university life. Semester one went very quickly, maybe too quickly, and getting the right mix between my course, my friends and my hobbies became a big deal. Priority became the buzz word and I found comfort in spending time with friends as much as possible. They gave me a respite from a course that wasn’t living up to my expectations, and hobbies that I just didn’t have time to do justice. I found a new side to me that I hadn’t let myself explore before, and it gave me a new confidence with who I was.

This semester has given a new challenge. I’ve realised that blaming my course won’t get me anywhere in the long run and if I want to make the most of university life, I need to start thinking of them as two separate things: “university” and “life”. That’s not to say that university and my course is not exciting or to say that I don’t see it as part of my life. What I mean by that is I need to realise there is a time for both, and they are not the same. So to tackle this I’ve been trying a new theory.

My new theory is to be on campus by 9am every day, and stay there until 5pm. This time can be used to attend lectures, revise, or just meet up with people. But it means I’m making the most of the day. Then the evenings are mine to socialise. So far I feel this has worked well, but it does mean I get back home at 7-8pm every day absolutely shattered.

This is so much better than my last theory which was to work in the evenings and enjoy the daytime. This failed on the grounds that I was not in the mood to work after a day of relaxing, and any little thing provided a great distraction to avoid work.

That’s the other reason this new theory works so well, campus has so few distractions compared to home, where Anne, Viv, Will, music and food ensure no work is done. But it’s a great place to relax after a busy day. Especially recently I’ve really enjoyed talking to Anne for hours on end…

Semester 2 is also a new socialising challenge. I’m spending a lot of time with my housemates, but also MAD TV people. Other than that I’ve been occasionally meeting up with old friends. I’ve gone off comedy night and instead I’m really into Open Mic night. It’s an acoustic night held in the union bar every Thursday. I’ve also kinda gone off the union slightly and I want to make it a personal aim to go out more in town where I still have so many places to try out! It’s difficult though because I know I’ll always find people I know in the union, whereas a trip into town would need to be thought out in advance.

There is no way I could say for certain how this semester is playing out, but I think it’s off to a good start. Who knows, I may find another new me.

  • Happiness. 8 out of 10
  • Tiredness. 4 out of 5
  • Workload. 8 out of 10
  • Last Meal. Snacks in the box at Sheffield Arena!
  • Song of the day. Jay-Z - Empire State Of Mind
  • Thought for the day. Short & shmexy haircut, thanks Bex :D x
  • What I’m Doing Now. Looking forward to ice skating tomorrow

PS pictures from the last two days with my sister!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

More Country Vicar

I’m with my sister again! Couldn’t think of a batter way to spend a weekend!

Sorry about the slight interlude between posts, I’ve actually been cracking on with work for a change. Working 9am to 5pm at least every day is not only a good way to get work done, but its pulling my body into a constant pattern for the first time in ages. Very refreshing.

I’ve also been holding off on the alcohol for the last two weeks, which has been a good relief :). Not sure how much longer it’ll last though…

The meeting last Friday with the course leader went well and hopefully things will be getting better in the future. If not for my year, at least the future years can benefit.

Other than that I guess I feel a lot more on top of things than I have for a long time. Just spending 10 minutes every day checking out what work needs to be done makes sure I don’t miss anything out.

A few things to share :)

1. Chin Faces! You’ll get the idea when you watch this video (starring Beth, James & me)

2. Pictures are up. This week Josh & I decided to cook each other meals. Tuesday Josh cooked enough mash to feed India, and on Thursday I cooked pork noodles :)

Now for a few videos that have kept me entertained recently:

3. Drunken Kitty, it’s epic:

4. A mash-up of the top 25 songs of 2009, I think it’s really cool:

5. An American advert promoting a Men’s shower gel, it’s so over the top it’s funny.

  • Happiness. 8 out of 10
  • Tiredness. 4 out of 5
  • Workload. 8 out of 10
  • Last Meal. Chilli Con Carne at Spurs with big sis and Squeeze!
  • Song of the day. Timberland - Apologize
  • Thought for the day. Now I promised two after not posting one last time, so here you go:
  • What I’m Doing Now. Chillaxing with BIL (brother in law :P)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

10 Small Loafs of Bread

I want to go to sleep, but I also want to quickly run through what my life currently is:

  1. Lectures started on Monday and that meant the start of new topics. So far the first lecture of the term was cancelled (good start…not), but that’s been more than made up by the other lectures that have been really good (so far…)
  2. I also started my Digital Media Engineering Module! Yup, that is actually the course I’m doing. And from 3pm until 6pm on a Monday is when I get to do my course! It was a great first lecture, fascinating. I just wish I had more like it…
  3. Labs, now on a Tuesday, are as bad as ever. Today we weren’t given all the equipment we needed to complete the lab, and then the demonstrator put up with us all moaning for a good 30 minutes about how bad labs are organised and how bad the course is in general.
  4. After that particularly bad lab, we all decided to go and see our course leader to let him know how we feel. We now have a meeting on Friday afternoon to discuss it in detail, so looking forward to finally expressing some of my concerns.
  5. Then it was off to a MAD TV committee meeting, where a lot has been happening the last few days. It’s a really stressful few days as it is without MAD TV throwing a wobbly about what I saw as a non-issue, but nethertheless I feel the meeting allowed me a voice to get everything I had to say on the table.
  6. Next stop was a quiz night with the Christian Union (and a free curry!). I had a great time and it allowed me to finally relax after such a crazy day of urgh. Topped off by our team winning! (note: team name was 10 small loafs of bread, hence title)
  7. Trying to co-ordinate next weekend so I get to see my sister! Can’t wait!
  8. Getting organised to ‘Give Equestrian A Go’ today! Another society MAD TV is trying out as part of it’s new series! It’s really great since Lauren, my housemate from last year, is the President of the Equestrian society, so should be a brilliant afternoon!
  9. Good news, I have been invited for an interview at the SONY placement! I have two weeks to prepare, and I really, really, really, really, want this placement! So excited and nervous already. Need to make sure I find time to research and prepare… Thing is there is only one place and Josh has an interview there too……

These are only the things I am outwardly doing/thinking about/planning. There is also a lot going on in my head regarding a lot of things, such as Friday night and Monday evening in particular. Trying not to give these too much brain-time is difficult, but talking to my sister helps :)

love, Charles xx

  • Happiness. 6 out of 10
  • Tiredness. 4 out of 5
  • Workload. 9.5 out of 10
  • Last Meal. Free Curry (thanks Jesus :P)
  • Song of the day. Radiohead – Street Spirit (Fade Out)
  • Thought for the day.
  • What I’m Doing Now. Hoping I finally get some free time tomorrow on my own to relax… but can’t see it happening… no rest for the wicked

Monday, February 8, 2010

Too Much Is Enough

The last week has tested me in more ways than one…

Firstly, I had my formative tests from my course. Who am I kidding, they went badly. I got 20% in the maths test, which was one of the better ones. I’m hoping that this is what I need to get my arse in gear with my course…

Secondly, MAD TV. How did you guess? I’m realising that keeping track of the camera and organising people is a full time job in itself without also having my own reports to edit.

Thirdly, my drinking habits finally caught up with me on Friday when I had the most drunken experience to date. It’s put me off that category of drinks for a while…

Fourthly, I see that I shouldn’t write in my blog when I’m stressed, angry, tired and worried :(

There were plenty of great things about the last week too, but I’ve only recalled these bits right now for some reason…

I’ll write a better post soon……

  • Happiness. 3 out of 10
  • Tiredness. 4.5 out of 5
  • Workload. 10 out of 10
  • Last Meal. Channies Burger :D
  • Song of the day. Jay Sean - Down
  • Thought for the day. I'm only trying not to be lonely…
  • What I’m Doing Now. Trying to sleep!