Friday, September 26, 2008

Day 5

Today I had my BIG introduction to my course. Basically, there is a common first year, so I can swap if I want to at the end of the year to another Electronic Engineering course.
I'm in the higher group for maths, which means I have about 2.5 hours less lectures a week in maths!
The rest of the day I had various things, tour of the media labs which were very exciting.
This evening I went out to Open Mic Night at Chancellors bar. It was a good night. I'll admit now that I did have my first sip of alcohol tonight, a Smirnoff Ice and a Snake Bite.
Tomorrow I have a free day, so me and Josh are going swimming at the Guildford Spectrum. Should also get my loan money tomorrow.
Sorry if this post is not readable, its 1am and i've had a bit to drink.
The picture above is of Josh filling out a form in a lecture we had today.


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Higher maths!!! Go Charlie. Sounds like your gonna need the extra 2 1/2hours to catch up on your beauty sleep. Glad to hear you are drinking sensibly and getting some nice early nights! HE HE HE!

Anonymous said...

Hi Charles

Good luck with the first 'real' work today!
