Last year I posted a monthly update of my best moment, which was a great way to count down the most memorable parts of every month. However, this year I’m taking a more casual approach.
My last “moments post” was about immeasurable subtleties… how the finest moments often cannot be described well in words. So let’s keep this list short and sweet :)
- Mike Frazer (of MADTV fame) coming to Guildford for the weekend. Oh the Banter we had, ambling around Guildford aimlessly and having 3 different kinds of cake for breakfast :P
- Drinking a slow pint of Strongbow with my cousin Jake in Cardiff at a club called live lounge.
- Sitting in the Swiss hotel lobby with a tasty beer and working for hours…
- The house viewing with all of my NEW housemates, being amazed and getting the house (all of this story to come…)
- Going to a fancy dress party in town dressed as Sherlock Holmes and the sheer number of random people who saw this attire and thought “I must have a random chat with that chimney cleaner!”
- Spending the weekend in Guildford with my old housemate Will, more ambling around town and cake eating… (wow, I eat a lot of breakfast cake…)
- Getting to fly Business Class :) the best bit was the little cup of poo that turned out to be chocolate mousse… risky first mouthful paid off :P
- Spending the day watching Family Guy and 24 :)
- Finally getting around to watching Pulp Fiction
- Going climbing with Sophie Dean! Climbing virginity gone!
- KOKO with Julie! Amazing venue, amazing music!
May the best days in your past, be the worst days in your future
- Happiness. 9 out of 10
- Tiredness. 2 out of 5
- Free Time. 1.5 out of 5
- Last Meal. Steak :P
- Song of the day. Maroon 5 – Sunday Morning
- Thought for the day. Make us a brew!
- What I’m Doing Now. Waiting for the weekend! Gig 3 of 3 :)