Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Those 9 Days: Part 2 – Snow White

Sunday 13th December

MADsoc, Surrey’s Music & Drama Society, which, incidentally, MAD TV is a part of, we’re hosting a pantomime version of Snow White for the Christmas holidays. I was asked to film the performances so there was a record of it happening (and possibly for later sale). I turned up at about 2pm on Sunday when they were supposedly having a tech rehearsal. Unfortunately they were running behind schedule, about 5 hours to be exact. So instead I did some other filming on campus with Ankur for a MAD TV project titled “Assemble”. After doing that I went back to the union where the tech rehearsal still hadn’t started. I ended up helping stage crew set up talkback and rigged a security camera feed into the dressing room so the actors backstage could see what was happening on the stage. After that I left homeward bound.

Monday 14th December

Josh and I went to the programming labs to get some of our coursework out the way. Managed to get a fair chunk done, just still have lots to do before the deadline on the 12th January…

In the afternoon I spent several hours setting up for Snow White, sorting out the camera and more bits and bobs. Went home for dinner before dashing back in time for the stage crew meeting at 6pm. Every day of the last few weeks has had to be planned like a military operation in order to do everything. But it also needs to be flexible for those last minute additions that people like to throw at you. Monday’s curveball was a stage crew committee meeting. My plan was to go and watch the play at  7:30 with a friend, and I had since I had no intention of missing it, I had to leave the committee meeting early. Ah well. The play was amazing, and since I knew most of the cast, it added extra giggles.

Tuesday 15th December

OK, so no lectures :) good start. But still had Snow White to film, again. But this time I was also going to a dance show in the evening because Sophie had a choreography in it. But Snow White and the Dance show clash, obviously. So more running around and planning things to the second. I also made some progress on the lab project we have to complete, which suddenly took shape with huge thanks to one of my lab partners.

We’re almost there folks, and the best is yet to come. We still have shopping, Christmas dinner number 2 and the last night of the year to go!

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