Thursday, June 4, 2009

Excursion to Brighton

Where we left off…

Mum and dad picked me up from the crew BBQ on Sunday and we got my things and said goodbye to cathedral court for the last time. Once home it became apparent that the addition of a double bed in my room would make unpacking interesting…

Monday. Up nice and early to go swimming with James. There is hands down no better way to start the week than getting a refreshing swim in. After that is was over to Graeme’s for a talk about the quiz night on Saturday and catching up. The afternoon was spent attempting to unpack all my belongings into my room. To make this easier, anything I’m not going to need in the next 4 months has been designated a spot in the study where it will live until such time that it will return to Guildford to sit in another room untouched for 6 months.

Tuesday. Finally that lie-in I’ve been waiting for. Got up at 2:30pm and worked on a website for the rest of the day.

Wednesday. I went off to Brighton with Josh, his girlfriend and his sister. We had a great day in the beach, exploring the pier and the little lanes. Fish & Chips for lunch, burying me in the stones, a spot of gambling, shopping, Nando’s and back on the train. All in all, a wonderful day. I think I could really get used to this group, we all get on really well and have lots to talk about. Can’t wait until our next excursion.

090603 Brighton (1)

Left to Right: Josh, Jess (Josh’s Girlfriend), Iola (Josh’s Sister), Me

Expect more pictures soon (maybe, my camera ran out of juice so I’m relying on Iola and Jess).

  • Happiness: 8/10
  • Tiredness: 6/10
  • Last meal: Nando’s
  • Song of the day: Jason Mraz – Details In The Fabric
  • Thought for the day: “I smell like a chocolate urinal” -- Me after trying on many different spays in boots.

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