Sunday, May 3, 2009

Down the rabbit hole

Exams are looming and I’ve spent too many hours over thinking things. Lets give this one a go:

I have quite a few friends at uni (or at least, I like to think so). But there are a wide variety of friends:

  • Course Friends. These are essentially the people I’ve only ever met in lectures or while doing work. We’ve never really spoken about each other, just about work or the course or lectures. These people I would like to get to know more.
  • Stage Crew Friends. The people I only ever see at stage crew. I know these people a little, but we still never get to know each other.
  • Friends Of Friends. This accounts for a LOT of people because my housemates friends come over a lot. I may have never spoken to them other than to say hi, but I think they could still be classed as friends.
  • Close Friends. And this is the clincher. These are the people I want to see regularly, I know them, enjoy their company and they enjoy mine. I can think of maybe half-a-dozen of these that I have at university. These are the people that are special, I value their opinion and enjoy hearing their stories.

Why all this talk about friends? I don’t know, I’m just writing what I’m thinking, and in the last few days I’ve been thinking about who my real friends are. Not because I feel betrayed by anyone, but because I’m beginning to wonder who are the people who’ll stick around next year when we can’t just bump into each other, there will be effort involved.

I can definitely count Josh in there, but he’s almost an exception because I’m going to be living with him next year anyway. Who else? My current housemates, Sophie, Lauren and Mariana are definitely close friends, but I often wonder how much we’ll see each other next year. I hope that we’ll stay in touch, but only time will tell.

And what about next year? meeting new people and making new friends has got to be a part of it.

------ END OF WEIRD POST ------

Highlights from the last few days:

  • Friday with Josh was fun. We had a good laugh
  • Meeting up with next years housemates again
  • Signing the tenancy agreement
  • Rubix on Friday was NOT a highlight (but that stuff happens)
  • Going to town today
  • Getting my haircut
  • Watching “Marley & Me” with Mariana, Sophie & Julie


  • Happiness: 7/10
  • Workload: 11/10
  • Last meal: Chicken soup (a trip to Tesco’s is in order)
  • Thought for the day: This song

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