Monday, December 13, 2010

Double dream hands!

Good morning one and all, and merry christmas. I'm writing this from a queue. Thats right. I'm queuing for tickets to the unions last night of the year: christmas flirt!

Over the last week i've been working in basingstoke for a change :P however, not for long as work has fortold my return to the land of chocolate (if they have any left) this afternoon! This trip was pretty much a given, and i'll be out there for 4 days before returning to london to finish off the year :)

On tuesday evening I ventured on to campus to watch madsoc's annual christmas panto, this year called 'not another panto'. It was written by the current director of madsoc, Laurence Williams, who is a great guy and an even greater writer. I'm not a reviewer, but the panto was crazy good! The panto was not traditional in any sense, except for the inclusion of a dame, but that could be misleading. It was about fairytale characters whose storylines were merging together, and amongst it all were 3 surrey students who had got lost and caught up in the whole thing. Lots of inuendo, and lots of laughs, but also very touching and moving towards the end. And to think it was all written by someone my age was just mind-blowing :O

On wednesday was the MADTV xmas meal, the first christmas meal of the year :) MADTV is getting on so well this year, they have a very big and energetic team, which has enabled them to put out some great quality reports (just see the new summaries to see what I mean!)

On friday, the housemates put on a meal and a half at le maison. Christmas dinner with all the trimmings, an all time classic, with great company. Friends I havent seen for months came over for the meal, and a generous quantity of mulled wine was consumed in the process... Shame I had to leave early to get a train to london.

Because this weekend was the family xmas meal in Scotland! I'm running out of ways to say it was good to see everyone again :)

Only a week of work to go until christmas, and that can only mean one thing....... My sister :)

Happiness: 5 out of 10
Free time: 1 out of 5
Thought of the day: housing for nexy year...
Song of the day: One Republic - Good Life (seriously, check it out!)
What i'm doing now: still queuing for tickets.... Beth rigby better appreciate this :P xx

PS reminissing about the lesbian bouncer who told Beth and I off about laughing at her hair a couple of weeks ago :S lols

1 comment:

Baroness said...

where's the blog about the beard??!!!