Sunday, July 11, 2010

Just My Luck

  • Monday. My first day at Sony. Nnaoma and I had a tour of the office, as well as the obligatory training on how to lift a box and climb a ladder. Then we were shown around production floor where there are currently three OB trucks. To finish off the day we saw a 3D test setup that is being worked on. In the evening I went to a friend’s BBQ.
  • Tuesday. Nnaoma and I packed away 24 production cameras for two Egyptian trucks. At one point, while carrying a very heavy lens we were told it was worth £250,000! On later research it appears the lens is only worth £150,000, so it didn’t really matter if we dropped it… In the evening I went to a friends house to play board games and eat strudel :)
  • Wednesday. We were assigned onto a project for Arsenal Emirates football stadium, which requires configuring 120 Sony TV’s to work on the content distribution system in the stadium. It was good fun, but tiring work. In the evening we had a MAD TV meeting :)
  • Thursday. You didn’t think we configured all 120 screens in one day do you? A full day of configuring, followed by some admin.
  • Friday. We went to Arsenal Emirates to configure some more TV’s. Shown around the players lounge, Diamond club and (personally my favourite part) the TV gallery where the video feeds are directed and edited to some 500 screens around the stadium, including the 2 big screens at the corners of the pitch.


Nnaoma and I outside Emirates after finishing early on Friday

All in all a very good first week. And by very good, I mean it was too good for words! On more than one occasion I found myself just smiling at the realisation that I was working for Sony, and that this was only the beginning!

So that was the good part of the week. However, my evenings tell a different story…

My bike has become the bane of my measly existence since last Sunday. It’s had it’s brakes replaces, tyres changed and new inner tubes and how does it repay me? 4 punctures. In two days!! Grr.

Also Natwest continue to amaze me at their definition of “bank” but seem to fit perfectly into the definition of “arseholes”. They seem to have ‘lost’ (for want of a better word) three signatures from the account we have with them. HOW CAN SOMEONE BE A SIGNATORY ON AN ACCOUNT IF THEY DON’T HAVE A SINGNATURE! And at what point did closing a bank account mean “oh yea, don’t worry about it. I’ve only asked you to close it every time you tell me I have one because it’s international opposite day” If I ever manage to get into the campus Natwest when it is open between half past unhelpful and quarter to piss off then they’re going to wish they weren’t born. Apologies for the expletives used in the last paragraph, they were unavoidable.

So that’s the deal so far, sorry about not posting all week, time gets away with you when you only have four hours in a day to yourself, I’ll endeavour to post more next week! I’ve got lots to look forward to including Guilfest at the weekend!

  • Happiness. 8 out of 10 (now my bike is fixed…)
  • Tiredness. 2 out of 5 (Sunday was invented for lie-ins)
  • Free Time. 1 out of 5 (Thought I’d replace workload)
  • Last Meal. Does pitta bread count?
  • Song of the day. Mario – Let Me Love You
  • Thought for the day. Engineering, like maths, but LOUDER
  • What I’m Doing Now. Healing my hands after going climbing for the first time in ages

1 comment:

rockbadger said...

Glad you are happy and not mugged with all that money on you!! Haven't written you lately - am just too lazy - but I've read your blogs. Sony seems a good place and you seem to be extremely busy all over the place but doing stuff you enjoy. I am having my other knee replaced on Monday so I'll be out of it for a bit but not as long as last time I hope. Love Rockbadger.