So since my little excursion to Greenwich, life has been dribbling along very nicely indeed. I’ve got some plans for updating some websites which I currently run, namely moving the site over to a php server running WordPress… I’m doing it to get more experience running my own server, and writing php; but also because I wrote the code for this website before I came to university and since then I’ve learnt some better techniques for dynamic website building than I used back then. It’ll be a challenge, but something I’m looking forward to digging my teeth into once this whole university thing is over.
My final project is coming along, it now shows a lot more information and I’m in the process of building a test rig that can assess the accuracy and performance of the system so far for benchmarking and to get some pretty graphs to go into my write up :)
And I got my results last week for my exams in January, I did really well! I got a first in all my modules and I’m averaging 82% for my degree :) Only 30% of my degree left! The end is in sight, finally!
And for those of you who are interested, the next video about my stupid housemates who are living off £1 for food for a month is up:
- Happiness. 8 out of 10
- Tiredness. 1 out of 5
- Workload. 5 out of 10 (but it’s all interesting stuff…)
- Last Meal. Fish and chips
- Song of the day. Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Scar Tissue
- Thought for the day. Don’t know whether giving my housemates a beta version of my app was a good idea… :p
- What I’m Doing Now. About to do some more work… after lunch….