I had a great weekend at Heather’s house, especially meeting Heather’s friends (and brother) was really cool.
This week has so far been about MADTV.
We have several things in the pipeline for Freshers’ Week this year, which is at the end of September for the un-initiated. We’re putting together a few videos to introduce Freshers to the campus and town. It’s an interesting project that I don’t want to say to much about, but its spent the whole summer in planning and is now in the execution phase.
Another idea for Freshers Week is called Fresher Diary. It’s my own brain-child and involves one lucky fresher having their experiences of settling into university life being shown to the world. They will be the eyes and ears of every Fresher, sharing their experiences of the various events held by the Students’ Union and the University! I’m really excited about how this is going to come together, and it should make for an interesting series!
I’ve also spent the evening creating a Freshers Group on Facebook for all the potential MADTV members to join and start being part of the team.
All in all, MADTV is starting to crank up the gear in preparation for a new academic year just around the corner. And I can’t wait until we’re back up to full speed! One of the things I find interesting is that I will be in Switzerland for the first 6 weeks after university starts, so while I’ll be around for Freshers Week, I may not get a chance to meet the new team until they’ve all got stuck in. I’m sure I’ll be watching from the wings though and that’ll be interesting in itself! Now I just need to Skype into the weekly meetings from Lugano and I’m away :)
- Happiness. 6 out of 10 (I’ll get there…)
- Tiredness. 2 out of 5 (could do with being tired…)
- Free Time. 2 out of 5 (Well, Thursday evening to be precise)
- Last Meal. Deli sandwich for lunch (now the norm…)
- Song of the day. Bruno Mars – Just The Way You Are
- Thought for the day. Get creative. Get equipped. Get involved. - MADTV’s new slogan
- What I’m Doing Now. Looking forward to seeing Scott Pilgrim tomorrow with work mates