WOW! What a cool few days.
Up bright and early on Wednesday to do a spot of Christmas shopping. Bought a few presents in town and then the rest online.
After lunch I went over to Rubix to help Stage Crew with setting up a big gig on Thursday. The Electronic Engineering Staff Christmas Party where staff bands performed to the audience and a panel of judges to win the coveted x-mas factor champions crown. There were 14 bands in all, 9 of which had at least one of my lecturers in.
As expected, I wound up doing video which was fantastic because I was the only one doing it. This meant I learnt an awful lot about setting up cameras, running cables, using the mixer and video PC. However, it did mean that I couldn’t have a pit cam (a camera operated from the front of the stage) and that required someone to man that camera as well.
I finished on Wednesday night with 2 cameras that could be operated with a controller (they were stationary but could be panned, tilted and zoomed) and the video PC to show bands PowerPoint presentations. I’d also set up the projector screen on stage to show the video and PowerPoint’s.
A 9am start on Thursday morning allowed me to put up another camera to focus on the judges, and tap into a security camera. Then I noticed that someone was planning to film the event with two HD cameras on the balcony, so I asked nicely and found out that one was going to be operated all night. I managed to get the output of that camera into the video mixer so I now effectively had a replacement pit cam.
With a total of 2 pan/tilt cameras, 1 stationary camera, 1 operated camera, a black and white security camera and the PowerPoint’s, I was well away.
The gig went very well and I thoroughly enjoyed doing it. So great to work video for 14 very different bands, got to try lots of ideas and styles. My entire cut of the evening (about 6 hours in total) was recorded and I’ll hopefully get a copy at some point.
Today was a recovery day. I’ve had a headache all day and just tried to relax. I might do some stage crew this evening, I’ll see how I feel.
Happiness: 7/10 Workload: 3/10 Last meal: Cereal (no comment) Thought for the day: If you’re not living on the edge, you take up to much room.