Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Weekend Part 3: Sunday

Got up before my alarm because Jake came into my room. Went downstairs to find that a tornado had swept through the garden during the night leaving a devastating wreck of plates, food and cans. So I did what any respecting son would do in that situation and sought shelter in the still dimly-lit living room for an hour or so. Then with an army of motivation the clean-up operation began. Clearing everything in sight. Since many hands make light work, this actually didn’t take that long.

Once the kitchen was in a recognisable state once more we found the hobs and Phil set about making a “phil-english” breakfast for 8 people. One hour and a few fire alarms later, we were all sitting around the dining table enjoying the wondrous mountain of calories Phil had piled onto our plates.

After my stomach was full to exploding point people started to leave. Before I knew it, mum and dad were back and we had Becky and crew arrive. Since we discovered Outback Steakhouse had shut down we chose an alternate eating establishment to chew at.

To my surprise, all the steak on my plate went into my belly, along with the phil-english, making me very fat. On top of that I got a tribal call and response verse with accompanying drums to celebrate my birthday. This chorus came bearing a comfortably sized ice cream and candle, all but the candle then disappeared.

Back at home again it was time for champagne and… cake! Can I just say thank you to Beth for an amazing cake, and to Eileen and Alan for helping drink the champagne :)

After those celebrations, you’d think it would be time to call it the end of my birthday extravaganza. But Boris had other plans as he’d kindly organised birthday fireworks down by the Thames. So picking up more motley crew in the form of Victoria, Susanne and Keith we set off to Waterloo. And very good it was too! A fantastic end to a brilliant weekend.

I’d just like to post a quick thank you to everyone below who helped me celebrate my 20th Birthday in the best way I could have hoped: Mum, Dad, James, Beth, Becky, Barry, Jordan, Alastair, Phil, Matthew, Eve, Ben, Kevin, Murat, Michael, Lauren, Hugh, Julie, Jake, Josh, Jess, Daisy, Alan, Eileen, Victoria, Susanne and Keith.

Bring on a whole year of being 20!

1 comment:

becky said...

Good old Boris!!! :)