Thursday, October 2, 2008

Clubs (and not the kind you use on baby seals)

Over the past three days I have gone along to several clubs and societies to get involved and find out if they were for me.
GU2 Radio: I first looked at joining the campus radio on the technical side of operations. I went to a meeting last week and it looked interesting. I'm still considering it, but I'm not sure how I'm going to juggle everything yet.
Stage Crew: The Stage Crew meeting on Monday was very good and I am definitely going to join them. I will get to help out on the technical side of union events and can do anything from 1 to 10 events in a week depending on how I can cope. I am helping out this Friday with a setup for Rubix in the evening. There is a full training day on Saturday, so I will find out a lot more then (and get a free lunch!)
Climbing: Surrey has a very exciting climbing wall and other climbing facilities in (and around) the gym. I went along to the open session on Tuesday and absolutely loved it! It was great fun, but very tiring. This is the other club I am definitely joining.
Badminton: Just after climbing I went to Badminton. It was busy, but as expected. I don't think I will be joining though because I will be able to book courts and then play in my own time, which will be much more convenient.
Canoeing: This was a bit of a wild card. I only chose it because I'd never been canoeing before and I wanted to give it a go. We went for a little trip down the canal and back again. I really enjoyed it, but the problem is that it takes up a lot of time to get there and then it is a 4-5 hour commitment, which is a bit much to ask every week. (I know I will probably do that much with stage crew, but that can be scheduled for any day, whereas canoeing cannot.
So I'll probably end up doing Climbing and Stage Crew, very different but definitely the most enjoyable two of the lot.
As for lectures, they're going fine and are so far very straight-forward. Got a 10am start tomorrow, so can afford a bit of a lie-in. Catch up with you all soon.

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